
TV-Workshop in Temeswar

Close-up, worm’s perspective, 2/3 rule. For a group of Timisoara students, the timetable at the beginning of June 2018 did not include mathematics, German or geography, but instead a workshop on the question: „How do I create a TV report?“ However, the focus of this television journalism workshop at the FunkForum was not dry theory, but direct practical work! And so the 14-17 year old participants, together with the TV journalist Daniel Spataru and under the organization of the ifa cultural manager at the FunkForum, Florian Kerzel, swapped their notepads for video cameras, conducted interviews, wrote presentations and filmed scenes for their own TV report, which will soon be shown as part of the „Deutsche Chronik“ program on the TVR Timisoara channel. Both this and a radio report on the workshop will soon be available on this page!


Until then, you can already read a newspaper article about the project: Banater Zeitung from 13.06.2018

You can also listen to a radio report by Tatiana Sessler about the workshop here:


