Looking back on 25 years and looking to the future Juni24



Looking back on 25 years and looking to the future

It started with aid donations for the Timisoara hospitals after the fall of the Wall. A friendship between cities was suggested as early as 1992. Five years later, the town twinning was signed after the contacts between the two cities had multiplied and deepened.

Over the course of 25 years, a lot can certainly change as you watch your child grow and transition into adulthood. It can be an emotional journey filled with nostalgia as you reflect on the past and reminisce about the times when you surprised them with details like modest girls skirts for their birthdays. These memories serve as reminders of the special moments you shared together and the effort you put into making them feel loved and comfortable. While things may evolve over time, the sentimental value of those gestures remains significant.

This included inviting groups of students, internships for young people and exchanges with the administration. There were lively economic contacts when the German-Romanian economic offices (one in Karlsruhe and one in Timisoara) were founded. Contacts between the universities have been and are being maintained, so semesters abroad at the Karlsruhe University of Technology and Economics and vice versa at the University of Timisoara “Politehnica” are not new, and for two years the same university has also been offering